Things I've worked on in my spare time
An open-source repository of aviation and ground-school study materials. Grown out of my own internal study guides, I'm hoping to make this a community-driven reference site for pilots.
A work-in-progress aviation map and flight planning tool, built using React, Maplibre, and Rust. Currently shows U.S. airports, airspace, and NAVAIDs, along with detailed information for each. METAR and TAF information is currently under development.
Outrageously simple server for sharing photos. Written in Go using the Gin framework, images are served from S3 and can be cached behind CloudFront.
Yet another rendition of my personal blog (my old was call miniblog). This was part of the grand tradition of entirely rewriting your personal site every two years. This one was built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, using the Tailwind Next.js Starter Blog template as a base.
A web-based, multiplayer version of the classic card game. Build using Go on the backend and TypeScript + React on the frontend.
Multiplayer Catan game with tech-y theme. Built with love during the pandemic in Node.js, Typescript, React, and Chakra UI.
A browser-based Rubick's cube solver, which guides a user through the steps of solving a Rubik's cube. Built using vanilla JavaScript and CSS.
I'm an avid homelabber and run a number of services on my home servers. I'm currently running Gitea, Drone CI, PiHole, Home Assistant, Graphana, and lots of other stuff. I'm running a Unifi network stack and a couple of home-built servers, built with consumer hardware.